Monthly Archives: December 2014

Meatless Monday: Chickpea Poppers!

Today for meatless Monday, we enter the world of snacktime (although if you’re like me, you’ll probably eat the whole batch in one sitting, making it somewhat of a meal). I don’t remember which website I originally got this idea from, but crispy roasted chickpeas have been making the rounds on food blogs for some time now. They’re extremely versatile, delicious,

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A Person’s A Person

One of the most moving experiences I’ve had abroad was my chance to visit Bisesero Memorial in Bisesero, Rwanda. Also known as “The Hill of Resistance,” this location is one of the places where victims of the genocide banded together and stood their ground. There is no way I could do this story justice, or even write a comprehensible summary

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Resources for Jobs and Funding – Primatology

Finding where to begin in the field of Primatology can be a hard task in itself, but looking for funding can be another struggle while pursuing research topics. Here I list a few key resources to assist in these important steps. Primate Info Net provides information on internships, field work positions, field schools, animal care jobs, and professional opportunities. It is

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Why Lemurs Are Different

Long-term studies have contributed invaluable data regarding distribution, biogeography, physiology, behavior, and ecology of Madagascar’s primates. Lemurs contrast with many other primates in several behavioral features. What are these features? 1. Females Dominate Males Female dominance is variable, but still the common pattern 2. Female-Female Aggression Some lemurs have dominance hierarchies, some only seasonally Targeted and severe aggression emerges seasonally

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